Ruth’s Blog

Yes I did it!  I finally decided to start writing a blog.  For those of you who have signed up for my weekly email – some of the content will be duplicated, but you’ll still get the special offers and other insights.   

If you want to sign up to my newsletter AND get 20% off your first purchase CLICK HERE to subscribe.

I’m really bitten by the spring cleaning bug at the moment – sorting out the cupboards in my house, tidying the garden and being ruthless in my studio.  You really can’t think straight when everything’s in a mess! 

I’ve also started spring cleaning my website(s) and will be trying to make it easier to navigate.  Along with amalgamating my knitting website into this site as well. 

Take a look at my knitting kits and some of my patterns HERE. although most of my knitting patterns can be found on ETSY so check them out HERE.

Putting Out The Rubbish/Trash!  

Happy Easter – Enjoy the Holidays!